Introducing a brand new conference from the team at php[architect]. This conference, php[world], is designed to bring together all of the various PHP communities into one place to share ideas together.

Event Related

Monday, 10th November 2014


Jump Start PHP Training

Sandy Smith

Web Security Training

Chris Cornutt

Developing on WordPress

Zane Matthew, Inc.

Tuesday, 11th November 2014


Modernize Your Drupal Development

Chris Tankersley

SQL For PHP Programmers

Dave Stokes

Basic WordPress plugin development tutorial

Bart McLeod

ZF2 Modules Workshop

Evan Coury

Beyond PHP & MySQL: What to learn next

Jason Lotito


A Successful Magento Project From Design to Deployment

Joshua Warren

Testing as Regression Prevention

Eric Mann

The OOP in PHP

Matthew Turland

Getting Started with Varnish

Samantha Quiñones

Managing Dependencies with Composer

Beau Simensen

Wednesday, 12th November 2014


Turning Your Code Into a Company: The Parts They Don't Tell You.

Luke Stokes


21 ways to make WordPress Fast

Jason McCreary

Laravel Forge: Hello World to Hello Production

Joe Ferguson

What's new in Magento 2?

Tobias Zander

Best practices in Symfony 2

Andreas Hucks

MySQL 5.7 -- New Features and Things That Will Break

Dave Stokes


Single Page JS Apps in Drupal

Chris Tankersley

From zero to Silex

Larry Garfield

WordPress Security Basics

Steve Grunwell

Writing Maintainable ZF2 Applications

Evan Coury

PHP 5.NEW: The Best Bits

Davey Shafik


Idealism embodied: Philosophy, Code, Empowerment

Jeffrey A. "jam" McQuire


It Was Like That When I Got Here: Steps Toward Modernizing a Legacy Codebase

Paul M. Jones

Making Magento go fast

Thijs Feryn

Talmudic Maxims to Maximize Your Growth as a Software Developer

Yitzchok Willroth

A Tale of Two Test Suites - WordPress, API Mocking, and Integrations

Eric Mann

PHP Components and the Great Framework Kumbaya

Ryan Weaver


Namespaces and Autoloading

Beau Simensen

ZF2 Modules: Events, Services, and of course, modularity

John Coggeshall

Writing code that lasts

Rafael Dohms

Testing Spaghetti

Gemma Anible

Challenging Your WordPress Assumptions from 2009

Andrew Nacin

Thursday, 13th November 2014


Drupal 8: A Story of Growing Up and Getting Off the Island

Angela Byron


(Re)discovering the SPL

Joshua Thijssen

Laravel: A Guided Tour

Taylor Otwell

Keeping WordPress Under [Version] Control with Git

Steve Grunwell

Drupal 8 Routing

William Hurley, Kalpana Goel

Magento, Client, Budget, TDD - What You Can, Can’t And Must Test

Joshua Warren


90K reasons why security is a must

Michelangelo van Dam

From CakePHP to Laravel

Jason McCreary

A Decoupled Drupal with Silex

Larry Garfield

Joomla as a PHP framework integrator

David Hurley

Building a typical dev environment for WordPress using Git, Vagrant & Ansible

Bart McLeod


Trust, Community, and Automatic Updates

Andrew Nacin


Composer: like it should be done

Rafael Dohms

Intermediate OOP in PHP

David Stockton

Action-Domain-Responder: A Web-Specific Refinement of MVC

Paul M. Jones

Rock-solid Magento Development

Fabrizio Branca

Writing Faster PHP with HHVM & Hack

Davey Shafik


Vagrant, Puppet & You: Disposable Best Friends

Juan Treminio

Agency Devs: Unsung Heroes with Unreasonable Deadlines

Terry Matula

Writing OOP Modules for Drupal 7

John Bafford

Taking a Look at Joomla! - Inspired by WordPress

Michael Babker

What Symfony Components can do for you

Andreas Hucks

Friday, 14th November 2014


WordPress 4.1


The Care and Feeding of Magento Developers

Joshua Warren

Why Is The Joomla! Framework Relevant?

Michael Babker

PHP Performance 101: So you need to use a database

Leon Fayer

Stupid PHP Tricks

John Bafford


Unit Testing WordPress Plugins

Cal Evans

PHP Anti-Patterns

Josh Butts

Going to the Core of Drupal & Symfony (and Laravel and Silex)

Ryan Weaver

High Performance Magento in the Cloud

Fabrizio Branca

Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Automated Deployment

Solomon S. Gifford


The Greatest Panel on Earth

Andrew Nacin, Taylor Otwell, Evan Coury, Ben Marks, Larry Garfield, Andreas Hucks, David Hurley